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  • Writer's pictureKelly Dunlop

#Reformulate #Merz ART 180 -Personal Project.

Updated: May 19, 2019

'Merz' - 'The combination, for artistic purposes of all conceivable materials'.

A nonsense word invented by the German Dada artist Kurt Schwitters, to describe his collage and assemblage works based on scavenged scrap materials.

Reflecting upon previous projects, the ease, process and expressive qualities of using an array of material's. (Modules, ART 181 and DWG151; 50 drawings, sculpture, drawings using alternative medium, ART 181 personal project).My new project will focus upon experimenting and extending my creative practice using any materials.

My intention is to enhance my knowledge and skills, whilst developing ideas through the use and appreciation of using diverse materials, materials readily available, synthetic, organic, found, sourced, broken, discarded, reclaimed, most!

I intend to explore different media, for example; collage, sculpture, assemblage, installation, print making and digital.

My knowledge and understanding of my artistic practice and skills will be supported and enhanced through relevant artist/subject research. Artists including;

Kurt Schwitters

Francis Davidson

Marcel Duchamp

Tony Cragg

Robert Rauschenburg

Ben Nicholson

Phyllida Barlow

Eva Hesse

My initial experimental abstract collages, exploring colour, using mixed media and materials including, paint, tissue paper, cardboard and plastics.

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